Telephone Recovery Support Training: Volunteers Needed! – USARA

Telephone Recovery Support Training: Volunteers Needed!

telephoneUSARA provides Telephone Recovery Support (TRS), an innovative peer to peer recovery support service.  Volunteers will be trained to call and speak with people in recovery from alcohol and/or drug addiction to “check in” and see how they are doing each week. The volunteer will be trained to establish short term goals with the recoveree, how and when to provide additional resources and be a solid voice of encouragement   in an effort to assist them to maintain a strong and focused recovery.

If you are interested in becoming a TRS Volunteer you must have a minimum of six (6) months of continuous recovery.  Please click here for additional information: TRS Volunteer Roles & Requirements.

Thursdays 6-9 PM: 

Session 1 (1.5hrs) 

During this session the TRS Volunteer will cover the following:

  • The importance of the three R’s and how they build the framework for your conversation
  • What are the important features in a phone call?
  • What is the difference between empathize and sympathize?
  • How to become a viable resource center and what are the important items that a recoveree might need?
  • The power of listening
  • What are boundaries? How do I know if I cross a boundary? When do I ask for assistance?
  • Confidentiality
  • How to sign up to receive a call
  • The importance of a consent form and what it means for the recoveree and you

BREAK: 15 minutes

Session 2 ( 1.5hrs)  

  • How voice inflection can make or end a phone conversation
  • Examples of how to establish a short term goal with specific measurable results
  • The power of acknowledgement
  • We will create various “real life” scenarios that could occur during a phone call and discuss the details for a proper response. Voice inflection and listening skills will be discussed throughout this session.


Upon completion of USARA TRS Volunteer Phone Training, you will be scheduled to work as TRS professional volunteer in assisting another person in recovery to achieve goals and truly understand the power of positive recovery.

After three months the USARA TRS Volunteer will be issued a Certificate of Completion that will recognize your personal achievement in completing the phone training and enhancing your personal and professional skills to further your own opportunities in the workforce.